Transform Education: Conversation to Action

There has been a flurry of conversation about education in the United States.

MSNBC News launched Education Nation, an interactive conference with continuing media reports, has focused on various facets:  teachers, community colleges, school lunches and health, paying for education.  As mentioned in my post by the same title Education Nation, NBC . . . Read More: Transform Education: Conversation to Action

ASAECenter Annual 09 Top Five Take-Aways

5.   Toronto definitely is green not just in terrain.  The greater Toronto public spaces and private facilities, e.g., hotels, operate multiple green initiatives.  See my blog "No Green Washing in Toronto" 


4.  F2F experiences must be extremely compelling to attract conference goers. Why?  Multiple factors now conspire . . . Read More: ASAECenter Annual 09 Top Five Take-Aways