What is Unified Learning?

The rush for the perfect learning management system began originally with the concept of an integrated learning system.  In January 1994, Steven C. Mills discussed “integrated learning systems new technology for classrooms of the future” in the journal, TechTrends.  One key aspect of the original ILS model was the management component.  Today’s learning . . . Read More: What is Unified Learning?

eLearning: Facilitation, Interaction, & Engagement

Association members and career professionals are users of eLearning and they also are terrific resources.   This year iCohere is hosting a free webinar that I present on “Next Generation eLearning.”  Participants have raised important related issues including:

How to overcome challenges of instruction across multi-platform formats, Engaging young professionals, Ways eLearning can go from . . . Read More: eLearning: Facilitation, Interaction, & Engagement